University of Tokyo
Applied Physics B.E., 1982
University of Tokyo
Applied Physics D.E., 1989
1986 – 1989: Research Associate at Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
1989 – 1990: Visiting scientist, IBM Almaden Research Center
1990 – 1992: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Massachusetts, Polymer Science & Engineering
1993 – Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY (1999 Associate Professor, 2008 Professor)
1986 – 1989: NSF Young Investigator Award
1997, 1998: Science and Technology Agency (Japan) Fellow
Recent publications
- Mode latching and self tuning of whispering gallery modes in a stand-alone silica microsphere, M. Agarwal and I. Teraoka, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 251105 (2012).
- All-photonic, dynamic control of optical path length in a silica sphere resonator, M. Agarwal and I. Teraoka, Opt. Lett. 38, 2640–2643 (2013).
- Analysis of thermal stabilization of whispering gallery mode resonance, I. Teraoka, Opt. Comm. 310, 212–216 (2014).
- A hybrid filter of Bragg grating and ring resonator, I. Teraoka, Opt. Comm. 339, 108–114 (2015).
- Whispering gallery mode dip sensor for aqueous sensing, M. Agarwal, and I. Teraoka, Anal. Chem. 87, 10600−10604 (2015).
Other significant publications
- Polymer Solutions: An Introduction to Physical Properties, I. Teraoka, John Wiley (2002). http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471389293.html
- Theory on resonance shifts in TE and TM whispering gallery modes by non-radial perturbations for sensing applications, I. Teraoka and S. Arnold, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B. 23, 1381–1389 (2006).
- Enhancing sensitivity of a whispering gallery mode microsphere sensor by a high-refractive index surface layer, I. Teraoka and S. Arnold, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B. 23, 1434–1441 (2006).
Whispering Gallery Mode Sensor (WGM Sensor)
WGM sensor is a photonic sensor embodied by a transparent spherical glass touching a pair of tapered optical fibers. The sensor detects whatever occurs near the surface of the glass sphere. For example, immobilizing a ligand onto the surface readily turns the sphere into a sensor that detects binding of target molecules. Attaching a layer that selectively partitions lead ions turns the sphere into a lead ion sensor.