Elena Prassas

  • Associate Professor



Dr. Prassas is the Program Manager and Student Advisor for the MS Transportation Degrees. She teaches graduate courses in Traffic Engineering, Transportation Economics and Finance, and Signal Control Systems.

Dr Prassas was a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee, and chair of its Signalized Intersection Subcommittee for 9 years and is still an active member of the subcommittees.

Dr. Prassas is currently working on pedestrian safety research for the NYC Department of Transportation. The focus of this research is on safety for blind or visually impaired pedestrians and testing advanced technologies for improving their safety, including the use of smartphone applications.

Dr. Prassas is a co-author of the text Traffic Engineering, which is used in universities throughout the United States and abroad. She has also co-authored texts on Engineering Economics and Finance for Transportation Infrastructure; The History of the Highway Capacity Manual, Volume 1; and the soon to be completed, History of the Highway Capacity Manual, Volume 2.

Research Interests
Pedestrian Safety Pedestrian Safety for individuals with disabilities Capacity Analysis Signalized Intersections Arterial Analysis and Planning Transportation Economics

State University on New York, Oneonta
Bachelor of Arts,

Polytechnic University
Master of Science,

Polytechnic University
Doctor of Philosophy,

Journal Articles


  • Co-Author (with Xin, Muthaswamy, Chang), Multi-Regime Adaptive Signal Control for Congested Urban Roadway Networks, Transportation Research Record, 2013
  • Principal Author (with Roess) Modified Critical Movement Analysis Approach for Signalized Intersections Transportation Research Record 2173, 2010.

  • Principal Author (with McShane and Lieberman), “Investigating Whether Traffic Signals Are Warranted on Basis of Proximity of Railroad Grade Crossings, accepted TRR 2007
  • Co-Author (with Vu, Roess, and Ulerio), “Simulation of a Weaving Section,” Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2007.
  • Co-Author (with Weinisch and Lieberman) “Applying Metamodeling and Simulation to Investigate the Risk Exposure of Traffic on Approaches to Intersections in Proximity to Railroad Grade Crossings” Proceedings 2007 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC 2007
  • Principal Author (with McShane and Ulerio) “The Foundations for a Special Use Lane (SUL) Freeway Planning Model, Based upon Florida I-95 Data” Published Transportation Research Record 1852, 2004.
  • Principal Author (with McLeod and Bonyani) “Freeway Planning Methodology”, Published Transportation Research Record, 1852, 2004



Authored/Edited Books



  • The Highway Capacity Manual: A Conceptual and research History, Volume 1: Uninterrupted Flow (Roess and Prassas), Springer 2014
  • Engineering Economics for Transportation Infrastructure and Finance (Prassas and Roess), Springer, 2013
  • Traffic Engineering, 4th Edition, (Roess, Prassas, McShane) Prentice-Hall,2011.
  • Handbook of Transportation Engineering 2nd Edition, Chapter 5 “Software Systems and Simulation for Transportation Applications,” Edited by Myer Kutz, McGraw Hill, 2011
  • Traffic Engineering, 3rd Edition, (Roess, Prassas, McShane) Prentice-Hall, 2004.
  • Traffic Engineering, 2nd Edition, (Roess, McShane, Prassas) Prentice-Hall, 1998.
  • Link to Amazon.com Author Page:   https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00K1ISFIU


  • Board Member, ITS-NY, 2008-2016
  • Member, TRB's Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee (HCQSC), 2000-2009
  • Chair, HCQSC Signalized Intersection Subcommittee, 2000-2009
  • Member, HCQSC Signalized Intersection Subcommittee, 1985-current
  • Member, ITE
  • Member, WTS