David J. Soukup is the Managing Director, Governance of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a technical and educational organization with 130,000 members worldwide and an annual budget of $130,000,000.
He has management responsibility for ASME's professional practice, ethics, and governance activities.
A licensed professional engineer, he earned his M.S. in industrial engineering from the University of Tennessee and his B.S. in systems engineering from the University of Arizona. He is also a Certified Association Executive.
Before joining the staff at ASME in 1988, he worked at the headquarters of the Institute of Industrial Engineers and the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society.
He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Institute of Industrial Engineers, American Society of Association Executives, Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives, and the Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi Honor Societies. His volunteer service includes a term on the Board of Directors as Treasurer of New York City's Industrial Technology Assistance Corporation, President of the East Tennessee Chapter of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, judge for the New York City FIRST Robotics Competition, and mentor for the Stuyvesant High School FIRST Robotics Team. He received the 2010 New York State Society of Professional Engineers Outstanding Professional Engineer in Education Award.
University of Tennessee, 1981
Master of Science, Industrial Engineering
University of Arizona, 1976
Bachelor of Science, Systems Engineering
America Society of Mechanical Engineers
Managing Director, Governance
Currently direct staff of three and $2,000,000 operating budget. Manage volunteer/staff partnership for nine committees responsible for corporate governance, ethics, scholarships, professional engineering licensing, volunteer leadership training, and officer nominations and training.
• Managed staff support for capital campaign that raised over $5,900,000 for the ASME Foundation.
• Was responsible for 40% increase in membership over five years outside North America. Motivated and guided 40 international volunteer leaders.
• Began ASME’s video and podcast on-line postings. Started first open source design project.
• Established ASME’s Project Office, which standardized procedures for portfolio of cross-sector projects throughout the organization.
• Co-authored and administered $1,300,000 grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development to assist the Russian Academy of Sciences.
• Developed strategic planning process and updated plan annually, using the Balanced Scorecard.
• Designed new enterprise-wide organizational structure as staff lead for the Project Management Task Force.
• Directed staff input on Futures Team, which stimulated ASME initiatives in e-commerce, emerging technologies, and multi-disciplinary practice.
• As Assistant Secretary, prepared and maintained corporate records and policies and served as chief of staff to the Executive Director for the ASME Board of Governors.
From: October 1988 to present
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Associate Director
Conducted development activities, such as direct-mail fund raising and corporate fund raising. Served as staff manager for the industry advisory board, academic department heads board, and research council. Was staff liaison for professional licensure issues and industrial engineering academic activities, including work with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
From: February 1984 to September 1988
Journal Articles
- "A Markov Analysis of Fund Raising Alternatives," Journal of Marketing Research, August 1983
Other Publications
- Schmaltz, K. S., Choate, R. E., Soukup, D. J., Ruble, K. W., Hagen, W. T., Pearl, Z. D., Lopez, J. D., La Verde, J. N., “Open Source Water Purifier Design,” Engineers Without Borders 2008 Annual Conference.
- “Public Policy, Government and External Relations,” Study Session for Certified Association Executive’s Examination, New York Society of Association Executives, March 27, 2007.
- “Global Project Management,” Seminar for Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society in Shanghai, China, November 2000.
- “Project Management for Engineers,” Training Module published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, October 2000.
- “Making Agreements of Cooperation Work for Your Society,” Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives 2000 Annual Meeting.
- “Justifying an Annual Fund Raising Campaign,” Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives 1998 Annual Meeting.
- "Expanding Your International Membership," Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives 1993 Annual Meeting.
- "Establishing Successful Relationships Overseas," American Society of Association Executives International News, November 1990.
- "Continuing Industrial Engineering Education,” World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, May 1986.
- "Successful Fund Raising Using Engineering," Fund Raising Management, December 1984.
- Soukup, D. J., Lesac, J., Tio, J. B. K., and Hall, E. L., “An Automatic Checkers Player: A Demonstration of Computer Vision for Robots,” Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Symposium on Intelligent Robots, November 1983.
- Hall, E. L., Lesac, J., Woodrick, W. E., and Soukup, D. J., "An Educational Computer Vision and Robotic System," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society Conference, June 1982.
- Woodrick, W. E., Soukup, D. J., Lesac, J., and Hall, E. L., “A Solid State Camera for Low Cost Image Processing,” Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Southeastcon ’82, April 1982.
- “Marketing Honor Society Membership,” Association of College Honor Societies, February 1980.
- Tau Beta Pi Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society 2010 Outstanding Professional Engineer in Education Award from the New York State Society of Professional Engineers
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)