Carlos E. Restrepo is a senior research scientist at New York University's International Center for Enterprise Preparedness (InterCEP), which is part of the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering, and Adjunct Associate Professor at NYU Wagner. His main areas of research and teaching include environmental quality and public health, environmental justice, sustainable urban development, resilience, and environmental policy. He has worked on projects related to infrastructure and environmental quality that were funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Transportation and other agencies. Dr. Restrepo’s research has been presented at numerous professional conferences including the annual meetings of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), the Association of American Geographers (AAG) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). In addition, his work has been published as book chapters and in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Risk Research, Atmospheric Environment and the Journal of Environmental Protection.
Dr. Restrepo has a PhD in Public Administration from NYU's Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. His dissertation topic was the association between asthma hospitalizations and air pollution in New York City. Before coming to NYU, Carlos worked for three years in El Salvador as a policy analyst for FUSADES, a non-profit organization, and worked in environmental, energy, telecommunications, and science and technology policy studies. He holds a B.S. in Engineering Physics from Lehigh University, and a M.S. in International Development and Appropriate Technology from the University of Pennsylvania.
New York University2006
Ph.D., Public Administration
University of Pennsylvania1992
Master of Science, International Development and Appropriate Technology
Lehigh University1990
Bachelor of Science, Engineering Physics
Journal Articles
R. Zimmerman, C.E. Restrepo, J. Sellers, A. Amirapu, T. R. Pearson, and H.B. Kates. 2015. "Multi-Modal Transit Connectivity for Flexibility in Extreme Events," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2532, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., pp. 64–73. DOI: 10.3141/2532-08
C. Restrepo, J. Simonoff, G. Thurston and R. Zimmerman 2012. "Asthma Hospital Admissions and Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations in New York City," Journal of Environmental Protection, 3 (29): 1102-1116. doi: 10.4236/jep.2012.329129
J. S. Simonoff, C. E. Restrepo, R. Zimmerman, Z. S. Naphtali, and H. H. Willis. 2011. "Resource Allocation, Emergency Response Capability and Infrastructure Concentration Around Vulnerable Sites," Journal of Risk Research, 15 (5): 597-613. doi:10.1080/13669877.2010.547257
R. Zimmerman, C. E. Restrepo, A. Culpen, W. E. Remington, A. Kling, I. Portelli and G. L. Foltin. 2010. “Risk communication for catastrophic events: Results from focus groups,” Journal of Risk Research 13 (7): 913-35.
J. S. Simonoff, C. E. Restrepo and R. Zimmerman. 2010. “Risk Management of Cost Consequences in Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Infrastructures,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (2): 269-279.
C. E. Restrepo, J. S. Simonoff, and R. Zimmerman. 2009. “Causes, Cost Consequences, and Risk Implications of Accidents in U.S. Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Infrastructure,” International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 2 (1+2): 38-50.
J. S. Simonoff, C. E. Restrepo and R. Zimmerman. 2007. “Risk Management and Risk Analysis-Based Decision Tools for Attacks on Electric Power,” Risk Analysis 27 (3): 547-70.
R. Zimmerman and C. Restrepo. 2006. “The Next Step: Quantifying Infrastructure Interdependencies to Improve Security,” International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2 (2/3): 215-230.
C. Restrepo, R. Zimmerman, G. Thurston, J. Clemente, J. Gorczynski, M. Zhong, M. Blaustein, L. Chi Chen. 2004. “A comparison of ground-level air quality data with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation monitoring stations data in South Bronx, New York,” Atmospheric Environment 38: 5295-5304.
Other Publications
R. Zimmerman and C.E. Restrepo, “Physical Security: External Applications.” In: Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. Edited by L. R. Shapiro and M.-H. Maras, forthcoming, 2020. New York: Springer Nature.
Carlos E. Restrepo. 2017. "Cities, Air Quality, and Sustainable Development Goal 11." Towards Sustainable Development: Lessons from MDGs & Pathway for SDGs. Edited by Syed Munir Khasru et al. Dhaka: The Institute for Policy, Advocay, and Governance (IPAG). 1st Ed. Vol. 1.
Carlos E. Restrepo, Rae Zimmerman, Robert A. Joseph and Jimena Llopis. 2017. Public Transit and Mandatory Evacuations Prior to Extreme Weather Events in New York City. University Transportation Research Center - Region 2. Available at: http://www.utrc2.org/sites/default/files/Final-Report-Public-Transit-Mandatory-Evacuations.pdf
Rae Zimmerman, Carlos E. Restrepo, Robert A. Joseph and Jimena Llopis. 2017. "A New Role for Rail Transit: Evacuation." UTC Spotlight. U.S. Department of Transportation. Available at: https://www.mycutc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/April_2017_UTC_Spotlight.pdf
William G. Raisch, Carlos E. Restrepo, Parker M. Coyne, Carol A. Shields, and Amelia R. Swan. April 2016. "Regional Networks for Operational Intelligence & Agility: Focusing on Day-to-Day Operations and Advancing Strategic Resilience." Center for Infrastructure Protection & Homeland Security, George Mason University. Available at: http://cip.gmu.edu/2016/04/05/regional-networks-operational-intelligence-agility-focusing-day-day-operations-advancing-strategic-resilience/
Rae Zimmerman, Carlos E. Restrepo, Hannah B. Kates and Robert Joseph. 2015. "Suburban Poverty, Public Transit, Economic Opportunities, and Social Mobility," University Transportation Research Center - Region 2. Available at: http://www.utrc2.org/sites/default/files/Final-Report-Surburban-Poverty-Public-Trans-Eco-Opportunities.pdf