Anne-Laure Fayard
Visiting Research Professor

Anne-Laure Fayard is Visiting Research Professor of Innovation, Design and Organizational Studies in the Department of Technology Management and Innovation at NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
She is also ERA Chaired Professor in Social Innovation at Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon (Portugal).
From 2011 to 2021, Anne-Laure was the faculty advisor for the Design Lab at NYU Tandon MakerSpace. and for Design for America of NYU She is currently the coordinator of the DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) Lab at Nova SBE. In this role she collaborates with the Design Lab at NYU, in particular with the Design Thinking Roundtable Podcast.
Prior to Nova SBE and NYU, Anne-Laure was a faculty member at INSEAD Business School, both in Singapore and in Fontainebleau. She has also been visiting scholar with the Center of Sociology of Innovation at Ecole des Mines in Paris and with Design London and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group at Imperial College in London.
Her research interests involve collaboration, design, culture and space. Her work has been published in several leading journals such as Administration Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Harvard Business Review, Organization Studies and the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. She has been quoted in newspapers such as The New York Times and Business Week. Her book on The Power of Writing in Organizations with Anca Metiu was published by Routledge in August 2012. She co-edited with Raza Mir The Routledge Companion to Anthropology and Business which was published in July 2020.
She teaches courses in design thinking, organizational behavior, leadership, and qualitative research methods in graduate and executive programs.
She holds an MA and an M.Phil. in Philosophy from Paris – La Sorbonne, an M.Phil. in Cognitive Science from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the Ecole des Hautes-Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris).
University of Paris I-Sorbonne 1991
Master of Arts (Maitrise of Philosophy ), Philosophy
University of Paris I-Sorbonne 1992
M. Phil. (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies ), History and Philosophy of Science
Ecole Polytechnique 1993
M.Phil. (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies ), Cognitive Science
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1998
Doctor of Philosophy, Cognitive Science
Journal Articles
- Fayard, AL., 2019, Notes on the Meaning of Work: Labor, Work, and Action in the Twenty-First Century, Journal of Managerial Inquiry.
- Fayard, AL, Stigliani, I. and Bechky, B. 2017, How Nascent Occupations Construct a Mandate: The Case of Service Designers’ Ethos, Administration Science Quarterly
- Fayard, AL, 2017, Language games: a conceptual lens for studying the co-production of materiality, practice and discourse, Communication Research and Practice.
- Fayard, A.L., Gkeredakis, E. and Levina, N., “Framing Innovation Opportunities While Staying Committed to an Organizational Epistemic Stance,” Information Systems Research, 27(2), March, 2016, pp: 302-323.
- Fayard, AL. and Van Maanen, J. 2015, Making Culture Visible: Reflections on Contract Ethnography, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 1:4-27
- Fayard, AL and Weeks, J. 2014. Affordances for Practice. Information and Organization, 24 (4): 236-249
- Fayard, AL and Metiu, A., 2014, The role of writing in distributed collaboration, Organization Science, 25 (5): 1391-1413
- Fayard, AL. and Wilson, A. 2010, building_space_with_words: an Interactive Multimedia Installation Exploring the Relationship between Physical and Virtual Space, Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science and Technology, 43:3: 257-262
- Fayard, AL. and DeSanctis, G. 2010. Enacting language games: The development of a sense of “we-ness’ in online forums, Information Systems Journal, 20, 383-416
- Fayard, AL and DeSanctis, G., 2008, Kiosks, Clubs and Neighborhoods: The Language Games of Online Forums, Journal of the Association for Information Systems: 9 (10): Article 2.
- Fayard, AL and Weeks, J. 2007, Photocopiers and Water-coolers: The Affordances of Informal Interactions, Organization Studies, 28 (5): 605-634 Roland Calori, Best Paper Award, 2009
- Fayard, AL. 2006, Interacting on a Virtual Stage: The collaborative construction of an interactional video setting, Information Technology and People, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2006 , pp. 152-169(18)
- Fayard, AL and DeSanctis, G. 2005. Evolution of An Online Club for Knowledge Management Professionals: A Language Game Analysis, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
- DeSanctis, G. Fayard, AL. Roach, M. and Jiang, L. 2003. Learning in Online Forums, European Management Journal
Book chapters
- Pache, AC, Fayard, AL, and Rocha, M. Forthcoming (2020), Cross sector collaborations for social innovation In Handbook of Social Innovation and Social Enterprises, A.Vaccaro and T. Ramus (Eds).
- Levina, N., & Fayard, A. L. (2018). Tapping into diversity through open innovation platforms: The emergence of boundary-spanning practices. In Creating and Capturing Value through Crowdsourcing (pp. 204-235). Oxford University Press
- Fayard, AL. 2018. Bricolage in the Field: Experimenting in Ethnography. In Raza Mir and Sanjay Jain (eds). Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies, Routledge.
- Fayard, AL, Van Maanen, J. and Weeks, J., 2016, Contract Ethnography: Balancing Between Serious and Casual Ethnography in Handbook on Innovative Methods in Qualitative Research, eds. K. Eslbach and R. Krammer
- Metiu, A. and Fayard, AL, 2016, The Qualitative Analysis of Online Phenomena: Between Text and Context in Handbook on Innovative Methods in Qualitative Research, eds. K. Eslbach and R. Krammer
- Fayard, AL. A sense of Place: The Production of Virtual and Physical Spaces Book chapter in Materiality and Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World, Eds. by Paul Leonardi, Bonnie Nardi, and Jannis Kallinicos, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, November 2012.
- Fayard, AL, 2011, What types of space foster innovation delivery? Innovation Delivery & Entrepreneurship. Channel V Books, 69-71
- Fayard, AL and Wilson, A. 2010. Promenades: Urban imaginaries, reinventing our cities and [searching for] a sense of home. Essay in Taking, Leaving, Moving, Ed. Renate Mihatsch, Revolver.
- Fayard, AL and Metiu, A. 2009. Expressing emotions and building relationships over distance: Fixedness and Fictionalization in correspondence, Book chapter in Qualitative organizational research, Volume 2: Best Papers from the Davis Conference on Qualitative Research. Eds. K. Elsbach and B. Bechky. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 149-181
- Fayard, AL. 2006. One School / Two campuses: A Socio-technical Approach for Building the Distributed Classroom. Teaching and learning with Virtual Teams, Ferris & Godar (eds.), Idea Group. Pages 194-220.
- DeSanctis, G., Roach, M., & Fayard, A-L , 2004. Structure and Interactions in Online Discussion Forums, in H. Dumez (Ed.) Gouverner les Organisations, Paris: L’Harmattan. 101-129
- Fayard, AL and Henderson, A. 2001, Looking at “Situated Technology”: Differences in Patterns of Interaction Reflect Differences in Context. Modelling and Using Context. Proceedings of CONTEXT’01, Akman, Bouquet, Thomason and Young. (eds.) Springer.
- Mackay, W. and Fayard, AL. 1998, Designing Interactive Paper: Lessons from three Augmented Reality Projects In Proceedings of IWAR’98, International Workshop on Augmented Reality. Natick, MA: A K Peters, Ltd. San Francisco, November 1998.
- Mackay, W., Fayard, AL., Frobert, L., and Medini, L. 1998. Reinventing the familiar :Exploring an Augmented Reality Design Space for Air Traffic Control In Proceedings of CHI'98 (Conference on Computer-Human Interactions), LA, USA.
Other Publications
- Fayard, AL, Weeks, J., and Kahn, M. 2021, Designing the Hybrid office: From workplace to "culture space", Harvard Business Review, March-April 2021
- Babic, B., Chen, D., Evgeniou, T. and Fayard, AL, The Better Way to Onboard AI: Understand it as a tool to assist, rather than replace people, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2020
- Fayard, AL and Weeks, J., 2011, Who Moved my cube? Creating workspaces that actually foster collaboration, Harvard Business Review, July-August
Case studies
- OpenIDEO, HBS case study with Karim Lakhani (HBS) and Natalia Levina (NYU, Stern), 2012 (with teaching note)
- Designing Services at Engine Cases A and B (Imperial college case published with on ECCH with a teaching note and complementary video) With Ileana Stigliani and Erin Williams, 2010
- Unisys Corporation: IT Governance and Prioritization with Theodoros Evgeniou and Marios Klapsis (INSEAD Case published on ECCH), 2004
- Xerox: Building, Sustaining and Monetizing Knowledge Management with Soumitra Dutta, Luk Van Wassenhove and Patricia Reese (INSEAD case and Teaching Note published on ECCH), 2003
- INTEL: Building an E-Corporation, with Charles Galunic and Caroline Abraham (case writer) (INSEAD case), 2002
Invited articles
- Fayard, AL. November 2018, Why Design Thinking Matters? Special issue on Design Thinking, Journal of Financial Transformation. Capco Institute, vol. 48: 42- 47
- Fayard, AL. Jan. 14, 2015. “Balance Proximity and Privacy in the Office”, Room for Debate “Bring Back Cubicles?”
- Fayard, AL. February 28, 2013, “One Size Does not Fit All”, Room for Debate “Out of the Office, On the Clock, New York Times
- Weeks, J. and Fayard, AL, 2011, Blurring face-to-face and virtual encounters, blog post on HBR blog.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Dove, G. and Fayard, AL. (2020). "Monsters, Metaphors, and Machine Learning". In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020). April 25–30, 2020. ACM.
- Fayard, AL, Bill, V., Chase, J and Kush, S. 2019. Designing Interactive Artifacts to Generate New Modes of Engagement in an Academic Makerspace”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Academic MakerSpaces October 2019:
- Bill, V. and Fayard, AL, 2019. Nurturing a student-led community of learning in an academic makerspace: how to support extracurricular experiential learning” Victoria Bill and Anne-Laure Fayard, to 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), October 2019
- Fayard, AL, Bill, V., Kush, S. and Nicolas, M, 2018, “ CAIRN: A Tangible Research Tool to Materially Visualize Practices in a Makerspace.” Proceedings of the 2018 ISAM (International Symposium on Academic MakerSpaces).
- Bill, V. and Fayard, AL, 2017. Building an Entrepreneurial and Innovative Culture in a University Makerspace. ASEE (American Association for Engineering Education) 2017
- Fayard, AL. DeSanctis G. and Roach, M. 2004. Language games in Online Forums,
- Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings
- Mackay, W. and Fayard, AL. 1998, Designing Interactive Paper: Lessons from three Augmented Reality Projects In Proceedings ofIWAR’98, International Workshop on Augmented Reality. Natick, MA: A K Peters, Ltd. San Francisco, November 1998.
- Mackay, W., Fayard, AL., Frobert, L., and Medini, L. 1998. Reinventing the familiar: Exploring an Augmented Reality Design Space for Air Traffic Control In Proceedings of CHI'98 (Conference on Computer-Human Interactions), LA, USA
Videos and other media
- HBR IdeaCast / episode 784: Workplace design, Post-pandemic:
- 2019, Placemaking Reimagined, Pop-up mobile exhibit, April 26, 2019 at Frog Design and May 10, 2019 at NYU Tandon.
- 2018, Cairn, a tangible research tool to materially visualize practices in a maker space. Video (created and produced by Maddie Nicholas) accepted at ISAM, 2018
- 2011 Storytelling, a group exhibition with Aileen Wilson, Adam Brent, James Cospito,Sally Gil, Cheol Yu Kim, Andy Lin and Guilhem Tamasier. Curated by Jessica Bronson at The inFUSION Gallery at MSKCC Brooklyn Infusion Center. March-June 2011.
- 2011 Neo-nomads: what travels with you? a group exhibition with Kim Beck, Adam Brent, Emily Henretta, Sangbin IM, McKendree Key, Ward Shelley, and Traci Talasco. Curated by Aileen Wilson, Anne-Laure Fayard and Baseera Kahn at the BRIC Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn, New York. January 19 – February 26, 2011.
- Fayard and Wilson, Preface to the catalogue: Neo-nomads: What travels with you?
- See review on NY Times Local blog:
- 2010 Investigatio, a group exhibition with Yasmine Abbas, James Auger, Lucy Kimbell, Patrick Stacey Ileana Stigliani, Nina Wakeford at the Hockney Gallery, Stevens Building, Royal College of Art, London. Curated by Anne-Laure Fayard. January 13-15, 2010
- 2009 building_space_words, an interactive, multi-media installation with Aileen Wilson. Wunsch building, NYU-Poly, Brooklyn, New York, March 5-27, 2009.
- 1998, Fayard, AL and Lahlou, S. The SubCam: A New Tool for Analyzing Office Work 1998, in the Video Proceedings of CSCW'98, Seattle, November 1998
Social innovation Projects
The Bindi Guide, a toolkit for NGOs to implement community-centered programs for women empowerment and it was tested in a slum in Kathmandu, Nepal and in Queens, NY: This project was funded by and UK AID as part of the Amplify Project: :
I developed with Ph.D. student at Tandon a solar paint prototype that we helped a group of youth in a slum of Kathmandu, Nepal, to successfully test: Lights at Night in Kathmandu: tripureshwar-kathmandu-nepal
• Runner up for the OMT Best Symposium for a symposium on Materiality and
Organizations, Academy of Management Meetings, 2009.
• Roland Calori Award, Best Paper Published in Organization Studies, 2009 for
Photocopiers and Water-coolers: The Affordances of Informal Interactions,
Organization Studies, 2007, Vol. 28, No. 5, 605-634
• UC Davis Qualitative Conference, Best Paper Award, 2007. For Beyond Orality and Literacy: Letters and Online Interactions
• Academy of Management, OCIS Division, Best Paper Award, 2004. “Language
games in Online Learning Forums”
• Ph.D Scholarship, French Ministry of National Education, Advanced Instruction, and Research, 1993-1995
- Distinguished Teaching Award, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, June 2017
- Best Student Advisor as the advisor of Design Tinkering Student club, Spring 2015 and Spring 2020
- Best Student Advisor at the advisor of Open IDEO student chapter, Spring 2012
- NYU-Poly Distinguished Service Award 2013 for Dedication to i2e
- Nominated as an Outstanding University Innovator for the Dell Social Innovation Challenge (Summer 2012)