Kiev State University of Construction and Architecture 1997
MSc+BSc, Industrial and Civil Construction
Polytechnic Institute of New York University 2011
PhD, Civil Engineering
Senior Structural Engineer
From: July 2012 to present
Chromosense, LLC
Research and Develpment Engineer
From: June 2009 to present
Refcon, LLC
Engineer -designer
From: September 2001 to August 2004
Construction Site Manager, Project Manager Assistant
From: May 1999 to March 2001
Journal Articles
Ghandehari M., Vimer C., Ioannouc I., Sidelev A., Spellane P., “In-Situ Measurement Of Liquid Phase Moisture In Cement Mortar”, NDT&E International, Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 162-168 Zhang H., Ghandehari M., Sidelev A., et al., "Monitoring The Hysteresis Effects In The Strain-Stress Curve Of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Laminates By FBG Technology", Proc. SPIE 7753, 775387, 2011. Khalil G., Daddario P., Lau K., Imtiaz S., King M., Gouterman M., Sidelev A., Puran P., Ghandehari M. and Brückner C. “meso-Tetraarylporpholactones as High pH Sensors”, Analyst, Issue 8, 2010, pp2125-2131. Zheng S., Sidelev A., Spellane P. Mlekicki F., Ghandehari M., “Moisture Sensing In Porous Media”, Proceedings of SMSST'07, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, 2007, pp352-354.
Other Publications
Sidelev A., et all (2011) “Detection Of Gas Leaks In The Subsurface Environment”, EMI 2011 conference, June 2011, Boston, MA. Sidelev A., Ghandehari M, (2011) “Thermal Imaging For Quantitative Assessment Of Subsurface Corrosion”, EMI 2011 conference, June 2011, Boston, MA. Ghandehari M., Sidelev A., et al.,“Sensing High Ph And Ionic Transport In Cementitious Materials”, EMI 2011 conference, June 2011, Boston, MA. Ghandehari M., Sidelev A., et al.,“Temperature And Cure Monitor In Curing Concrete”, EMI 2011 conference, June 2011, Boston, MA. Sidelev A., Ghandehari M, (2011), “Imaging Corrosion Beneath Paint”, NSF CMMI 2011 conference, January 2011, Atlanta, GA. Sidelev A., Mlekicki F., Ghandehari M, (2009) “Infrared Imaging For Quality Control & Inspection Of Protective Coatings”, NACE 2009 Symposium on Advances in coating technologies for infrastructure corrosion control: Sustainability, Durability, Performance Assessment and Aesthetics, New York, NY. Sidelev A., Ghandehari M, (2009) “Thermal Imaging For Quantitative Assessments Of Subsurface Corrosion”, SPIE 2009 conference on Smart Structures and Materials &Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 2009, San Diego, CA. Sidelev A., Ghandehari M, (2009) “Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor Based On Luminescent Functional Polymers”, SPIE 2009 conference on Smart Structures and Materials &Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, March 2009, San Diego, CA. Sidelev A., Chernenko V.K., (1999) “Review on modern technologies of high-rise concrete building construction”, 60th scientific conference: Improvement of construction technology, organization, economics and management, April 1999, Kiev, Ukraine
General/Collaborative Research
Associate professor, Masoud Ghandehari, PhD, Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Assosiate professor, Gamal Khalil, PhD, University of Washington
Assosiate professor, Christian Bruckner, PhD, University of Connecticut
Adjunct professor, Wiehua Jin, PhD, Polytechnic Institute of New York University