Ahmed Ansari ,
PhD, Design Studies

  • Industry Assistant Professor

Research Interests
Design Studies, Design History, Philosophy of Technology, Design in the Global South, Culture & Technology, Design Research, Digital Humanities, Learning Technologies, Integrated Science + Arts + Humanities Learning

Dr. Ahmed Ansari has a doctorate in Design Studies from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), a masters in Interaction Design (CMU), and a bachelors in Communication Design from the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture.

His research interests intersect between design studies and history, philosophy of technology, and critical cultural studies, particularly studies of decolonisation and globalization, with an area focus on visual and material culture in the Indian subcontinent. His design practice situates itself in the digital humanities and learning technologies, focusing on integrating scientific, artistic, and humanist knowledge in the service of designing better learning technologies that support public understanding and engagement.

His recent projects involve designing and developing a videogame that talks about race, gender, culture, and other issues of difference in the context of the undergraduate experience for NYU Tandon, and an NEH funded project on new ways to design interdisciplinary botanical archives. He is a founding member of the Decolonising Design platform and the Architecture Design Research Lab in Karachi, and is also engaged in academic consulting focusing on curriculum development at the undergraduate level for several universities in Pakistan.