
What does the post-pandemic office look like?

Lecture / Panel
Open to the Public

ACRE Office

Academics and tech visionaries have been talking about working differently since the 1980s. But it took COVID-19 forcing a mass remote work experiment on the world for many people and organizations to really consider the possibilities and implications. Now we’ve learned that for many people, most tasks are accomplished and most meetings go just fine without the office—not surprising, as we know from past research that going to the office has never been just about work. But the office can still be instrumental to organizations; the question is what role should the office play moving forward? What should organizations, managers, and real estate companies think about when planning for a new post-pandemic office? And how did the pandemic affect different types of organizations and workers differently?

Hear Anne-Laure Fayard, a leading expert in office design and the future of work from NYU Tandon, share her research about how design, technology, and management practices can be used to make tomorrow's offices more effective as social, learning, and innovation spaces, and join New York real estate leaders Guy Vardi, Chief Innovation Officer of Silverstein Properties, and David Ehrenberg, President & CEO of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Corporation, for a post-presentation panel discussion to hear how they have adapted amid the pandemic and are planning for the workplace of the future.


Anne-Laure Fayard
Associate Professor of Innovation, Design and Organizational Studies, NYU Tandon

Guy Vardi
Chief Innovation Officer, Silverstein Properties

David Ehrenberg
President and CEO, Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation