Michael Karlesky ,


Michael Karlesky

I became fascinated with the human element of computing during my twelve years in the computer engineering and contract software world where I worked on everything from weather balloons to smart rear view mirrors. A lifelong love of theme parks and miniature golf courses led me—naturally—to a particular interest in the interrelation of technology and play.

My work at Tandon centered on embodied interaction with applications in peripheral interaction and security research.

Research Interests
My research areas are Human Computer Interaction, Affective Computing, and Playful Technologies. Projects of mine include peripheral interaction research in Fidget Widgets and security research with Open Sesame.
NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, 2016

Computer Science, Ph.D.

Grand Valley State University, 1999

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Grand Valley State University, 1999

Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering

Journal Articles

Designing for the Physical Margins of Digital Workspaces: Fidget Widgets in Support of Productivity and Creativity
TEI '14: 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. Munich, Germany. February, 2014.

Open Sesame: Re-envisioning the Design of a Gesture-based Access Control System
Extended Abstract, ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013

Fidget Widgets: Secondary Playful Interactions in Support of Primary Serious Tasks
Extended Abstract, ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013

Scoop! A Movement-based Math Game Designed to Reduce Math Anxiety
Interactivity, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012

Scoop! Using Movement to Reduce Math Anxiety and Affect Confidence
Work in Progress, Foundations of Digital Games, 2012