Drew Morin currently serves as the Director, Federal Cyber Security Technology and Engineering Programs for T-Mobile. He is responsible for identifying emerging cyber security trends and regulatory policies to improve information security programs. He serves on several industry and Federal workgroups and councils focused on resilience, cybersecurity, and risk mitigation. He is currently the chairperson for the CTIA IOT Cybersecurity Working Group, the co-chair for two of the working groups supporting the DHS Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force, a member of the Executive Committee of the Communication Sector Coordinating Council and serves on the Secure Telephone Identity Technical Committee focused on mitigating robocalling.
Drew has over 35 years of experience in communications technology and cyber security. Prior to T-Mobile, he co-founded TeleCommunication Systems, serving as Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer.
Drew holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia and a Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering from George Mason University.