Identity Style Guide | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Identity Style Guide

This online guide is a condensed version of the Complete Identity Guide, which includes information on logo usage on materials such as stationery, advertising, banners and posters.

Our Name

In written communication, use "NYU Tandon School of Engineering" or "NYU Tandon" on first or only use, depending on the audience's familiarity with the school.

"Poly" and "Polytechnic" are no longer in use.




( This is a white logo with no background )


white logo with no background


( This is a white logo with no background )





( This is a white logo with no background )

New York University Logo



Before using the NYU logo, please learn about its usage from NYU's Design Guidelines.


*Downloads require NYU NetID login


Sample Stationery

See Stationery Specification for more details, including specifications for business cards and envelopes.

Please contact a member of the Marketing and Communications Department if you have questions about the NYU Tandon School of Engineering Style Guide.