Utilizing a Unique Dataset to Advance Affordable Housing​ | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Utilizing a Unique Dataset to Advance Affordable Housing​

Transportation & Infrastructure,

Project Sponsor:



The capstone team will clean a user-entered dataset and assist NCST in using it to advance the mission of affordable housing and neighborhood stabilization.

Project Description & Overview

The dataset for the project (REOTrack) is composed of user-entered data that is very dirty. In addition to the user entry fields in REOTrack, data also exists in a variety of different documents- XLS, PDF, etc- that should be incorporated into the main dataset. The team should first work to clean the data and create a data architecture in order to help NCST understand its data needs, identify key metrics correlated with successful project outcomes, determine any predictive analysis that may be possible, pair NCST data with publicly available demographic or real estate market data to put it in its proper context, and determine if any data collection or analysis can be automated. The team could create an open data portal for sharing NCST data or a dashboard available to internal staff or clients (Community Buyers).


NCST’s REOTrack dataset currently exists as a Intuit Quick Base application.


Data cleaning, statistical analysis, data visualization

Learning Outcomes & Deliverables

The team may create new metrics, visualizations, or analysis based on the dataset provided.


Jiaxin Chen, Zixin Chen, Yuchu Hou, and Erjia Yang