Real-Time Augmented Reality Mobile App to Find Vehicles in a Crowded Parking Lot | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Real-Time Augmented Reality Mobile App to Find Vehicles in a Crowded Parking Lot

Transportation & Infrastructure,

Project Sponsor:
  • Varun Adibhatla, Head of Data Science and Analytics, NYCSBUS
  • Holly Orr, Chief Information Officer, NYCSBUS
  • Cristopher Soto, Data Engineer, NYCSBUS  



NYCSBUS operates a fleet of 1,000 vehicles across 5 yards. A yard can have 250 vehicles at a time. “Morning pull outs” from the yard are a crucial time to ensure on time service. While each vehicle is equipped with a GPS device, the act of finding a bus in a crowded yard can be daunting. Our staff need to be able to identify buses quickly to ensure smoother morning pull outs. An augmented reality mobile app that integrates with our telematics API would allow staff to quickly point a camera and search for a vehicle with minimal input.

Project Description & Overview

The ability to quickly identify vehicles in a crowded yard can also help maintenance staff better organize vehicles in the yard and improve their maintenance.


None | Students may use publicly available MTA APIs to test their application.


  • Augmented Reality Toolkit for iOS / Android
  • Mobile app development
  • Basic understanding of connecting to an API
  • Basic understanding of location data

Learning Outcomes & Deliverables

A functional mobile application that helps NYCSBUS staff to locate buses in real-time via augmented reality or similar features.



Real-time Augmented reality mobile app to find vehicles in a crowded parking lot


Shantanu Anikhindi, Wanlingyi Lan, and Tianyi Li