Challenges and Solutions for Walking with Assistive Wearable Robots in Urban Environments | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Challenges and Solutions for Walking with Assistive Wearable Robots in Urban Environments

Health & Wellness,

Project Sponsor:

Project Abstract

The goal of this Capstone project is to identify challenges for the locomotion of persons with lower-limb disabilities who use wearable robots (powered exoskeletons, prosthetics, etc.) for gait assistance. In particular, this capstone will focus on those related to urban environments, and possible solutions to overcome those obstacles. One of the reasons that wearable robots are not commonly used is the discrepancy between the challenging environment in real world as compared to well-controlled laboratory settings. In this capstone project, these under-explored aspects will be investigated.

Project Description & Overview

Despite their recent advancement and growing demand, wearable robots (such as robotic exoskeletons and prostheses) developed for gait assistance for persons with lower-limb disabilities or older adults are still confined to laboratory settings. One of the main reasons for this is the challenging outdoor conditions and environmental hazards linked to outdoor falls, particularly in complex urban environments. Examples are poor snow/ice clearance and poorly maintained streets and sidewalks.

In this Capstone project, the factors that affect the usability and safety of gait-assistive wearable robots will be identified, and their possible solutions will be investigated. Broad range of aspects can be considered to identify the challenging factors, including but not limited to the perspectives of infrastructure, engineering, urban planning, and human factors. Any possible solutions can be suggested to enhance the reliability of assistive robots with respect to the urban hazards as related to stumbles, slips, and falls outdoors.


The students may use any publicly available datasets as related to this problem.


Graduate standing.

Learning Outcomes & Deliverables

  • Identify factors that adversely affect the safe use of gait-assistive wearable robots.
  • Possible solutions to those challenging factors.


Cici Chen, Akash Kota Raju, Bowen Li, Boqian Zhou