Reducing City Slips and Falls through Investigating Penguin Stability Strategies | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Reducing City Slips and Falls through Investigating Penguin Stability Strategies

Health & Wellness,

Project Sponsor:



This project focuses on addressing slips and falls caused by low friction surfaces in New York City. On this capstone project, students will get the chance to use tools from computer vision and machine learning to determine how penguins avoid falling on icy surfaces from a video data set. The video footage is accompanied by the only existing data on the ground reaction forces caused by penguins walking on low friction terrains. When coupled with the video data, the full physics of how penguins avoid falls can be determined. The students will use these discoveries to create guidelines for at-risk populations to inform them on how they can maneuver to better avoid slips and falls and then disseminate the information.