What's New In Civic Tech: GovLab Pushes Data Collaborations, Trump Names Federal Chief Digital Officer
GovLab Launches Data Collaboratives Website
- Zack Quaintance, Ben Miller for Government Technology January 19th, 2017
- Source: http://www.govtech.com/civic/Whats-New-in-Civic-Tech-011917.html
In an effort to help public groups such as government agencies better connect with the private sector, the Governance Lab at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering has launched a new website: DataCollaboratives.org.
The site is aimed at serving the public good through data collaboratives, which go beyond the existing public-private partnership model to facilitate the exchange of data between government groups and private entities, particularly companies. In a press release announcing the site, the GovLab pointed to an increasing acknowledgment worldwide that sharing data can help society battle problems such as hunger, natural disasters and disease.