Timely Event Alert: Join a Hackathon for Disaster Relief
This weekend, NYU Tandon is teaming up with the National Defense University to "tackle some of the toughest Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief challenges facing modern urban centers."
- Tyler Woods for Technical.ly October 10th, 2016
- Source: http://technical.ly/brooklyn/2016/10/10/nyu-tandon-md5-hackathon-natural-disaster-hackathon/
Here's a timely one: Do you ever see awful things in the world and think, If only I could do something about it? Well, here's your chance.
This weekend NYU Tandon and MD5 -- a public-private partnership between Washington, D.C.'s National Defense University, Tandon and other universities -- will host MD5 hackathon/nyc_/F16.
With $15,000 up for grabs, teams with ideas for natural disaster relief will work through the weekend to pitch to a panel of impressive judges, including FDNY's James E. Leonard and Stanford professor Tom Byers.