Tech Kids Unlimited teaches autistic Brooklyn teens the skills of the digital world

Beth Rosenberg started the program eight years ago with her son. Now based at NYU Tandon, it serves more than 350 New York students.

Beth Rosenberg started the program eight years ago with her son. Now based at NYU Tandon, it serves more than 350 New York students.

Beth Rosenberg created Tech Kids Unlimited in 2009, to help her son, Jack, who is on the autism spectrum. “When you’re a teen and you have autism there’s very little to do after school during the day. You don’t play sports or go to Starbucks or Terminal 5. You go to your room and play video games,” Rosenberg explained by phone recently. “We want to engage these teens, we want to help them think about their own futures. …” Tech Kids Unlimited contains two programs, one for kids aged 7–13 kids and one for teens from 14–20, called the T3 Digital Agency. 

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