Tandon Board Member Jeffrey H. Lynford Elevated by Port Authority

The name is a familiar one to everyone at Tandon. Each year, thanks to the sponsorship of Jeffrey Lynford and his wife, Tondra, the school hosts the Lynford Lecture, featuring a prominent thinker from an important field; those familiar with Tandon history also understand the seminal role the couple played in bringing renowned mathematicians Gregory V. and David V. Chudnovsky to the school and establishing the Institute for Mathematics and Advanced Supercomputing (IMAS) here.
The entire Tandon community is thus pleased to congratulate Lynford, a longtime member of the Tandon Board, on his latest honor: ascending to the vice chairmanship of the Port Authority's Board of Commissioners. He was first appointed to the board in June 2011 by Governor Cuomo and in his new leadership role is now tasked with overseeing the massive agency's recently adopted record $32 billion 10-year capital plan. Before starting his tenure on the Port Authority Board, he served as a gubernatorial appointee on both the New York State Council on the Arts and the Trust for Governors Island.
In addition to his civic and philanthropic pursuits, he is a co-managing member of Wellsford Strategic Partners LLC, a private investment firm.
Lynford’s efforts on behalf of New York’s students, arts lovers, commuters, and others have been tireless, and the vice chairman title is one of only many that he currently holds – including Trustee of NYU and Trustee Emeritus of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The School of Engineering is grateful to have his support and wishes him the best in his new capacity.