Redwan Hussain: the bridge

- Stefan Melnyk for Washington Square News December 13th, 2012
- Source:
If stereotype suggests that engineers are a reclusive and slightly obsessive lot, then Redwan Hussain embodies a crushing rebuttal. Smartly dressed yet laid-back, in love with his work yet nevertheless amiably accessible, it should come as no surprise that Hussain has been instrumental in bridging the gap between the NYU-Poly student body and the NYU Washington Square campus. He seems like he could have emerged from either world, and he has used this characteristic to the advantage of fellow students on both sides.
Even before he was elected Student Council Vice President of Academic Success for the Polytechnic Institute of NYU, Hussain was working to make the resources of the two campuses accessible to one another.
“I have a lot of friends at the Washington Square campus, so whenever there was some kind of event going on, I used to spread the word,” Hussain said. “Poly’s sort of like a myth on the NYU campus. During my first semester at Poly, we didn’t even have access to Coles or Palladium … [We] did not have access to NYU Home [online].”