Rappaport: Wireless communications are resurgent

A standing-room-only crowd was compelled by a tour de force talk called "The Coming Renaissance of the Wireless Communications Age," which was delivered by Dr. Ted Rappaport at the Enterprise Wireless 2012 Leadership Summit on Oct. 11 in Nashville, Tenn. The holder of more than 100 patents in wireless design, as well as an entrepreneur and author, Rappaport is the David Lee/Ernst Weber professor of electrical and computer engineering at NYU-Poly. He also is professor of radiology at the NYU School of Medicine; director of NYU Wireless, a research center that combines NYU-Poly's engineering program with NYU's medical school; and professor of computer science at the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; and

An engaging and energetic speaker, Rappaport made the ambitious wireless research done by his graduate students come alive as he detailed their work modeling and measuring millimeter wave cellular in the New York City urban environment. That work revealed no outages for cells smaller than 200 m, leading to predictions that on-chip and integrated package antennas at millimeter wave frequencies will enable massive data rates, far greater than today's 4G LTE.

Rappaport also reported on the work done by the 100 graduate students and 25 faculty comprising NYU Wireless. The start up — bankrolled by $9 million in annual funding from NSF, NIH and private enterprise — has a mission to solve problems for industry, create research leaders and develop fundamental knowledge and new applications using wireless technologies. Among the opportunities being explored are those in wireless medicine. In anesthesia, for example, wireless technology can help integrate independent devices operating in different areas of the hospital (pharmacy, labs, dispensary, patient-care units, and physicians), all producing massive amounts of disparate, non-standard data and creating interconnectivity, which is key to successful outcomes.

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