Prestigious Engineering Education Conference makes U.S. Debut at Poly

Professor Harold Sjursen (left) with President Jerry Hultin

Over one hundred members of the engineering community gathered at Polytechnic University to examine engineering education and raise the profile of the profession at the Fifth Global Congress on Engineering Education. Polytechnic was honored to be the first host in the United States for this notable week-long conference that took place from July 17-21, 2006. The biannual conference is sponsored by the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education.

The Brooklyn View, a local weekly newspaper, featured the recent conference and highlighted the need for more engineers who are well-versed in multiple disciplines. Dr. Harold P. Sjursen, department head of Humanities and Social Sciences and an organizer of the conference, noted “[Engineers] have to be capable of sitting at the table with political figures, with biologists, physicists, anthropologists, you name it. That's the challenge for us in the engineering education community right now.”

To learn more, read the Brooklyn View article on the Global Congress on Engineering Education (PDF).

Left to Right: President Jerry Hultin, Bruce Niswander (Technology Transfer/Venture Capital Consultant), Deborah Devedjian (Managing Partner, Copernicus Learning Fund; Polytechnic trustee), Harold Sjursen (Department Head of Humanities and Social Sciences), and Gregory Gunn (Chief Scientist & Co-Founder, Wireless Generation)