Polytechnic Faculty and Staff honored at University's Service Awards

On May 10, Polytechnic University's faculty and staff honored their associates and colleagues at the annual Staff Recognition Ceremony. Organized by the Human Resources Department, the event recognizes and celebrates faculty and staff contribution to Polytechnic University.

This year, 46 faculty and staff were honored for anywhere from five to 40 years of service to Poly. Honorees included Professor Richard Wener of the HUSS Department who has worked at Poly 30 years: Civil Engineering Department Professor John Falcocchio 35-years and Leroy Copeney, Technician in the Electrical Engineering Department 40 years.

Other Faculty and Staff honorees included:

25 Years
Maureen Braziel, Mary Cowman, Beverly Johnson, Kok-Ming Leung, Cheryl
McNear, Said Nourbakhsh

20 Years
Lorcan Folan, Phyllis Frankl, Rona Tyson, Walter Zurawsky
15 Years
Jonathan Chao, Valerie Davis, Harold Sjursen, Yu Zhang

10 Years
Carol Campbell, Ellen Daniels, John Di Bartolo, Dennis Dintino, Robert
Griffin, Lisa Hellerstein, Bohdan Hoshovsky, Margaret Iacono, Dwane Lada, Bharadwaj Rao, Ivan Selesnick, Jonathan Soffer, Stuart Steele, Ana Torres, Veronica Vanderpool, Juan Vilchez, Gaoyong Zhang, Nina Ziv

5 Years
Paulette Bancroft, James Barrett, Vivian Chan, Richard Feltman, Barbara Hickernell, Greys Jessurum, Kevin Korpics, Ann Lubrano, Melissa Melendez, Jose Pinto, Kari Schwartz


Leroy Copeney and President Hultin               John Falcocchio & President Hultin 

25 Years of Service Honorees


20 Years of Service Honorees


15 Years of Service Honorees


10 Years of Service Honorees


5 Years of Service Honorees