Poly Concrete Canoe Team Glides to Second Place
The Polytechnic Concrete Canoe team took second place at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 20th Annual Regional Concrete Canoe Competition held at Rowan University in New Jersey. The Poly team missed a first place victory by just one point - the closest race in recent history at the regional level.
This year’s event was co-hosted by NYC Technical College and Rowan University. The competition took place over two days with students presenting their technical papers on Friday, April 27 and the races taking place on Saturday, April 28. Competing at this year's competition were Rowan University, City College of New York, Rutgers University, Cooper Union, Fairleigh Dickinson University, and Polytechnic University. Similar regional competitions take place throughout the country and the teams in first place go on to the national competition which will take place in Seattle this year.
The Poly team did an outstanding job, both technically and in the races - especially considering many of them had never rowed in a concrete canoe until the day of the race. This year's theme was "Breukelen" representing the original Dutch spelling of Brooklyn meaning broken land.