Photo Recovery Software Review: Adroit Photo Recovery Performed Best!

Did you ever accidently delete an important digital photograph on a memory card or computer and then empty the recycle bin? Perhaps your computer got infected by a virus which then corrupted the hard disk with your photographs? Then again, maybe you have had the case where your camera card will not even show up as a readable disk when inserted into the card reader! Enter the world of photo recovery software – software designed specifically to recover deleted photos. We looked at four different photo recovery software packages: Digital Photo Recovery, Hetman Photo Recovery, Photo Rescue and Adroit Photo Recovery. Adroit Photo Recovery software came out on top due to ease of use, quality of recovery, efficiency of recovery and it recovers 15-20% more photos than the other software packages.    The price for the various software packages was less of a consideration as all software packages were within the $30-$50 range with Digital Photo Recovery at $29. 00, Photo Rescue at $29. 00, Adroit Photo Recovery at $39. 99, and Hetman Photo Recovery at $49. 95. We selected the four photo recovery software packages for the following reasons: Adroit Photo Recovery has been developed after years of research conducted at NYU-Poly and has been getting good press coverage by reputable publications such as The New York Times.

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