NYU’s Tandon Answers Cybersecurity’s Call To Arms

It’s estimated that, by the year 2020, there will be around two million open and unfilled jobs in cybersecurity worldwide—currently, the United States faces a 200,000 person shortfall in this critical field. As an answer to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s recent call to create 10,000 cybersecurity jobs within the next decade, the NYU Tandon School of Engineering is taking steps to address the skills gap with the NY Cyber Fellows, an affordable online master’s program designed in collaboration with New York City Cyber Command and such elite partners across a diverse range of industries as Morgan Stanley, IBM Security, and Bridgewater Associates. “When the mayor announced this initiative, we realized that we need to create this workforce,” says Professor Nasir Memon, founder of Tandon’s program in cybersecurity and associate dean for online learning. “We need to create 10,000 experts.”