NYU-Poly students present gun safety innovations

- Jonathan Keshishoglou for Washington Square news March 25th, 2013
- Source: http://nyunews.com/2013/03/25/violence-2/
NYU-Poly sophomore Joshua Soussan and his teammates, sophomore Deepak Goel and freshman Kevin Veerasammy, are proposing an invention that could prevent thousands of students from becoming victims of school shootings. The proposal, known as the Aegis project, is a direct response to President Obama’s call for innovators to work to keep children safe in schools following the shooting in Newtown, Conn.
“When the Newtown massacre happened, I was sitting at home, and I started thinking about how to make guns safer,” Soussan said.
The device has two parts: a frequency emitter that can be installed in schools and a chip inside the gun. When the gun comes within range of the frequency, the chip blocks the firing pin from discharging a bullet, preventing the gun from firing. With Soussan handling the design work, Goel working on the mechanics and Veerasammy completing the electrical work, the trio is working on a prototype that will be complete in two weeks.