NYU Poly Given $2M Grant to Develop 5G Network
- Crain's New York Business July 23rd, 2012
- Source: http://nyconvergence.com/2012/07/nyu-poly-given-2-mill-grant-to-develop-5g-network.html
Brooklyn’s NYU Polytechnical Campus researchers have been given $2 million to work towards developing 5G cellular networks, which could make download speeds up to 1,000 times faster than 4G and offer tons of space, since it is currently completely unused. The technology isn’t expected to be developed until 2020, according to Crain’s NY Business. Theodore Rappaport, who was recently appointed as the NYU-Poly professor in charge of leading research on millimeter-wave spectrum, told Crain’s NY that, “It changes the whole world of what you can do with a smart phone or computer. We’re doing the fundamental research that will enable companies to begin working on the antennas, circuits and architecture. This work is so far ahead that companies on their own can’t justify the expenditure.”