NYU-Poly appoints a physicist as its new president
- Wall Street Journal April 10th, 2013
- Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/AP7e7c12f93ef34c5995d835fe9b6ca432.html
NEW YORK — A distinguished physicist has been named the new president of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University.
New York University President Dr. John Sexton said Wednesday that as president, Dr. Katepalli Sreenivasan (ka-teh-PAH-lee sree-nih-VAH-sehn) will oversee the school's transition into NYU's school of engineering set to be completed next year.
NYU-Poly is an engineering and technology school affiliated with New York University based in downtown Brooklyn. It has been affiliated with NYU since 2008. NYU's school of engineering closed in the 19070s.