Nine Innovators to Watch in 2019

Smithsonian’s “Nine innovators to watch in 2019” list features Catt Small and Kathy Hunnan. Catt Small is an NYU Tandon alumnus who received her MS in Integrated Digital Media in 2016. Kathy Hunnan is the founder of Dandelion, a current member of the NYU Tandon Urban Future Lab.
SweetXheart is the culmination of five years of work by Catt Small, in between her other jobs and projects as a product designer and game developer. Small, who co-founded Brooklyn Gamery and helps organize the Game Devs of Color Expo, walks the line between art, code, design and ethics, constantly experimenting to see how these fields fit together.
Renewable power is booming, electric cars are coming on strong, so why, asks Kathy Hannun, are we still heating our homes with oil and gas furnaces? As a product manager at Google X, she noticed geothermal power was ripe for innovation at the household level, and founded Dandelion.

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