A new look is coming to Polytechnic University!

A new look is coming to Polytechnic University! This new signage initiative brings symbolic life to President Hultin's vision to create a new university for a new age.
The new signage initiative is a unique collaboration between Polytechnic University and Pratt Institute. Michael Gerbino, a faculty member in Pratt's Communications Design Department, lead the project, employing students from Poly and Pratt. The team included Ardis Kadiu and Elton Kwok from Poly, and Alex Borysenko-Anderson from Pratt.
The result of this initiative will be unveiled in the next couple of weeks and will reflect the excitement, energy and distinction that is Polytechnic University. The new signs will establish a sense of place for Poly by clearly identifying Poly's location in downtown Brooklyn, and by clearly identifying all the buildings that constitute Poly's campus.
Look for news about the exact date of the official unveiling!