New CleantechExecs Program Featured on Scientific

Polytechnic Institute of NYU's new 10-session boot camp to help create green-technology business leaders was featured yesterday on Scientific

"As two professors [Mel Horwitch, a professor of technology management at NYU-Poly and Ari Ginsberg, a professor of management and entrepreneurship at NYU Stern] recently discovered, there are scant programs to ready future green executives working in urban environments," writes Carina Storrs in "Greening executives: A new program teaches managers about the business of clean tech."

"So, next month, [NYU Poly] will launch...CleantechExecs, which is tailored to the New York City industrial market. The program will focus on so-called knowledge-intensive services — a vast sector spanning financial services, such as investment banking, insurance and real estate, as well as other professional services, such as consulting, architecture and hospitality to name a few."

An excerpt from the article, which you can read in full at Scientific American:

In surveying the need for a program like CleantechExecs, Horwitch and Ginsberg found that green tech training exists in the United States, but that it focuses on the manufacturing of renewable energy products, such as solar cells or fuel-efficient automobiles. As Horwitch points out, because manufacturing demands space, it only makes up a small fraction of the industry in urban areas, like New York City, where land is at a premium.

On the other hand, Horwitch says there have been few opportunities for learning how to support the greening of financial services, and New York City is a hub for this field. The CleantechExecs program is designed to empower people who already have managerial experience to tackle projects, such as advising their employers how to make their buildings more energy efficient or what would be the best new types of renewable energy in which to invest.

CleantechExecs is funded by a grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), allowing its first class to take the course tuition-free. CleantechExecs will accept up to 25 candidates who have at least 10 years of leadership experience in technology-based companies, raising capital and launching new products or businesses. Participants may qualify for master’s degree credit at NYU-Poly. Sessions will be held at NYU-Poly's NYC Accelerator for a Clean and Renewable Economy at 160 Varick Street in Manhattan.

Learn more about CleantechExecs' application process, selection criteria, faculty, and speakers.