Hack at U.S. market regulator displays persistent government cyber woes
- Dustin Volz, Jason Lange for Reuters September 21st, 2017
- Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sec-cyber-government/hack-at-u-s-market-regulator-displays-persistent-government-cyber-woes-idUSKCN1BW2X5
A major computer hack at America’s top stock market regulator is the latest sign that data stored in the highest reaches of the U.S. government remains vulnerable to cyber attacks, despite efforts across multiple presidencies to limit high-profile breaches that are so frequent many consider them routine…. At the same time, being only the latest major breach is not special, said Dan Guido, chief executive of Trail of Bits, which does cyber security consulting for the U.S. government.“It simply reflects the status quo of our digital security,” said Guido, who is a former member of the cyber security team at the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank.