Focus on Germany

FANCY investigating biodiversity in Brazil? Hanging with the high-tech crowd in Tokyo, or forming a spin-off in the States? If these spark your interest, you might want to consider heading to Germany.

That's because Germany is in the process of setting up a network of "Houses of Science and Innovation"  in five of the world's most vibrant cities. This investment in international collaborations could potentially benefit British scientists who are based in Germany and looking to gain experience further afield.


Importantly, the initiative is as much about innovation and industry as pure research. The US already has good research links with Germany (there are almost twice as many German scholars working in the US as there are British staff), so the need is for a real push to strengthen business ties. The New York house is therefore aiming to ease the translation of research breakthroughs into new inventions and innovations, says Kurt Becker, a German scientist working at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University.

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