First Lego League Brooklyn Qualifier
400 students from across Brooklyn were swarming inside 6 Metrotech Center, on the campus of NYU-Poly this weekend, for the NYC First Lego League Brooklyn Qualifier.
- Brady Dale for Technically Brooklyn January 14th, 2015
- Source:
400 students from across Brooklyn were swarming inside 6 Metrotech Center, on the campus of NYU-Poly this weekend, for the NYC First Lego League Brooklyn Qualifier, for the citywide Lego robot championship. Thirty-five teams competed in the event and eighteen took home prizes, for everything from best robot performance to innovation solutions to programming.
The NYU-Poly Center for K12 STEM Education, which we have written about previously, organized the event. It also helped many of the teams prepare by providing graduate students to help different classrooms to get ready to participate.Ben Esner, Director of the Center, explained how this outreach has made it possible to create a more level playing field among teams and to bring in schools from across Brooklyn.