Featured Ideator: Anne Laure Fayard
- Open Ideo November 19th, 2012
- Source: http://www.openideo.com/fieldnotes/openideo-team-notes/featured-ideator-anne-laure-fayard/
Born in France, Anne-Laure Fayard currently lives in New York where she works as faculty at NYU-Poly. She has been collaborating on OpenIDEO across a number of challenges and has involved students from her course on design thinking as well. Her Shift Van concept was a winner on our Amnesty Challenge and a number of her students have featured in challenge shortlists and winners.
What first drew you to get involved in OpenIDEO?
I read a blog post about OpenIDEO when in wast launched in August 2010. I was interested because I'd been following IDEO's work for many years but the focus on open innovation caught my attention as one of my colleagues at NYU and I were thinking of starting some research on the subject. A few weeks after, I went and checked the platform and decided that I would observe and take some notes. I soon started commenting and then posting inspirations and concepts. I was fascinated by the quality of the ideas and comments, the passion of the people on the platform and their willingness to collaborate. As we gained research funding, I became a participant observer and an active community member. A great way to work and have fun! Part of the research output was publishing a case on OpenIDEO with Harvard and also a book chapter on The Power of Writing and Organisations.