Fariña: STEM students ‘the answer to all our problems’
- Conor Skelding for Capital July 10th, 2014
- Source: http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/city-hall/2014/07/8548712/fari%C3%B1a-stem-students-answer-all-our-problems
At the Thursday morning start of a summer program of STEM courses—science, technology, engineering and math—chancellor Carmen Fariña told middle and high school students and their teachers they were "the answer to all our problems."
Speaking at MetroTech Center in downtown Brooklyn for the beginning of the second summer of the #STEMNOW program run by NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, Fariña also spoke about the need for more women in such fields and how she wanted next year's city summer school school classes to be "all in STEM." Read more.