Everything you need to know about the Petya, er, NotPetya nasty trashing PCs worldwide

This isn't ransomware – it's merry chaos

… The first clue is in the types of files this piece of ransomware encrypts. Typically this kind of malware encrypts everything to make the victim more likely to cough up the digital cash, but in total this ransomware encrypts 65 types of files, from .7z archives and .c source files to .aspx code to .pdf and .php files to PowerPoint and Python to VMware images and Excel spreadsheets. That might sound like a lot, but the original Petya ransomware that popped up last year encrypted hundreds of file types, and the new code makes some interesting choices in what it encrypts. “It's very odd,” Justin Cappos, assistant professor of security, operating systems and networks at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering told The Register.

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