Claudio Silva Wins Best Paper

NYU-Poly Professor Claudio T. Silva was awarded Best Paper honors for new technique to a vexing problem encountered by animators, digital game designers and others who want their video images to move and change seamlessly.
Silva and five co-authors presented a simple, inexpensive technique to update simplicial meshes, which are used to transform mathematical data into 2D and 3D images. Their paper, “Connectivity Oblivious Merging of Triangulations,” received the honor at SIBGRAPI 2012, the Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (formerly Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing), held in late August in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
As professor in NYU-Poly’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering and NYU Courant’s Department of Computer Science, Silva’s research focuses on visualization and data analysis.