At Brooklyn Summit, a New World of 5G on Display
Super-fast phones! Smarter robots! Autonomous cars! What exactly the future holds is unclear, said speakers at Thursday's Brooklyn 5G Summit, but stronger, quicker and more connected cellular infrastructure is on its way.
- Tyler Woods for April 21st, 2017
- Source:
When we move from 4G to 5G wireless it will be like society having a “digital nervous system limited only by device physics, chemistry, materials and the speed of light.”
So, at least, says Dr. Kenneth C. Budka, a senior partner at the consulting arm of the storied Bell Labs (which was acquired by summit co-sponsor Nokia in 2015). Budka, and others who spoke at the event Thursday envisioned a future where cell data is so fast, strong, and quick, that the equivalent of super powered WiFi will be all around us, unconstrained by routers and modems and fiber cable.