Biden urges CEOs to improve U.S. cybersecurity after attacks
Recent cyber attacks show the breadth of vulnerabilities in U.S private and public institutions. In a recent conference President Joe Biden made it clear to a group of top chief executives that companies need to do their part in shoring up the nation’s critical infrastructure and economy by beefing up their cybersecurity capabilities. He cited a lack of trained professionals to adequately protect the U.S., saying “Our skilled cybersecurity workforce is not growing fast enough to keep pace,” says Biden.
One company at the event announcing initiatives for cybersecurity workforce training in an effort to fill the roughly 500,000 open jobs in the industry is TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC. The financial firm announced that it has partnered with NYU Tandon to provide free tuition for employees to obtain a master’s degree in cybersecurity to help reduce the gaps in the 16 critical infrastructure sectors, like energy, health care and manufacturing.