Being part of Green Team leads to chance at new career
Resident hopes to turn his passion into job
- Tracey Putrino for November 8th, 2010
- Source:
Fair Lawn — A resident's position on the Fair Lawn Green Team has helped him get into a program at New York University and in turn he hopes to bring what he learns back to the borough.
"I was lucky enough to get into a program that is perfect for me," said resident Ed Brozek.
The Polytechnic Institute at New York University (NYU-Poly) is offering the CleantechExecs program, which is designed to help individuals from various sectors transition into leadership positions at energy firms.
Brozek was a career IT sales professional. When his company downsized he found himself looking for a new job. The time was right for him to combine his work experience with his passion for energy conservation and sustainability.
"I realized that I would like to transition into a green sustainability job while still trying to capitalize on my deep knowledge of computers, networks and data communications," said Brozek.
Brozek found out about the CleantechExecs from a colleague through his membership in ExecuNet, a networking group in Parsippany for executives.
"Once I looked into it, it appealed to me," said Brozek.