Apple Fears Court Order Will Open Pandora's Box for iPhone Security
Tim Cook defies demands to decrypt the San Bernardino terrorism suspect's iPhone. Yet it is unclear that cracking an iPhone 5c will impact newer, more secure models
- Larry Greenemeier for Scientific American February 17th, 2016
- Source:
As U.S. law enforcement escalates its battle to keep criminals from concealing their communication on digital devices or “going dark,” Apple CEO Tim Cook is digging in his heels in resisting government directives to support their investigations. A federal judge in California on Tuesday ordered Apple to step up efforts to help the FBI search the locked iPhone 5c used by Syed Rizwan Farook, who, along with wife Tashfeen Malik, is suspected of a mass shooting at a December 2 holiday party last year in San Bernardino, Calif., that killed 14 people and injured 22.