Ainsley Stewart, ECE '07 has been elected Chairperson of the National Society of Black Engineers.
At the recent conference of the National Society of Black Engineers, Polytechnic’s Electrical and Computer Engineering major, Ainsley Stewart, was elected National Chairperson of this largest student-managed organization in the country. On May 1, he will become its highest ranking official.
The mission of the 18,000 member NSBE is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
NSBE is comprised of more than 270 collegiate chapters, 75 alumni extension chapters, and 75 pre-college chapters domestically and internationally. NSBE had its genesis in April 1975 at a national conference planned and hosted by the Society of Black Engineers at Purdue University.
Some of NSBE's present activities include tutorial programs, group study sessions, high school/junior high outreach programs, technical seminars and workshops, a national communications network (NSBENET), two national magazines (NSBE Magazine and the NSBE Bridge), an internal newsletter, a professional newsletter (The Career Engineer), resume books, career fairs, awards, banquets and an annual national convention