Adrian Gordon (NYU-Poly) -’ steams in like he overheard the batsman saying something about his mother’

Adrian graduated from NYU-Polytechnic University with a degree in Biomolecular Science in 2011. He had caught the eye of American College Cricket President Lloyd Jodah on a Queens field, as a batsman. Jodah encouraged him to form a cricket club at NYU-Poly, and Gordon helped found the club, recruited fellow students, and acted as de facto Captain/Coach/Manager as they took part in the 2010 Nationals.

In the first Northeast regional Gordon played an organizational role as well as led NYU-Poly to the Finals.He then travelled to Washington DC to assist in managing the Mid Atlantic Championship. For both Regionals Adrian got Ms Teen Bahamas 2008 Shanae Strachan to do the video interviewing, and Trophy presentations.

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