How to Create a Resume and Cover Letter


woman magnifying on a resume

Resume Tips

  • Use clear, easy-to-read formatting with heading and contact information
  • Include education information that highlights achievement (GPA, honors) and pertains to skills and capabilities
  • Make sure each line demonstrates your value proposition
  • Describe experiences organized from most recent to least recent, while trying to position the most important or most relevant ones higher on the page
  • Highlight specific actions that show leadership ability, professional/technical skills, etc.- and quantify whenever possible
  • Describe impact and achievement, not companies or organizations
  • Showcase any other relevant skills, honors, activities, interests (if appropriate)

Check out Jobscan to see how your resume compares to the jobs you are applying to

Cover Letter Tips

  • Demonstrate targeted interest and industry knowledge/awareness
  • Show a good understanding of the job description (use keywords in the cover letter)
  • Highlight how you would be a great fit for the job with relevant examples spaecific to the position
  • Describe your clear value proposition, with the most relevant skills and capabilities backed up by specific action-driven experience
  • Use professional, formal language with a confident tone

Need a Resume or Cover Letter Template?

View editable resume and cover letter templates and resources here.

Manage Your Job Search

  • Target 20-30 job/internship applications per week
  • Create alerts (job title with “entry-level”, “associate”, “junior”, “recent grad”, “engineering intern”, “summer 2021 intern” and any other relevant keywords)
  • Search by location and career level to filter out irrelevant positions
  • Review recent grad placement outcomes here for more information about relevant titles and companies for each NYU Tandon major to help find additional keywords to search for
  • Check out this guide to setting up job search alerts on Google and LinkedIn 
  • Use this company directory to search for opportunities in industries you are interested in
  • Also, consider for reviews of the work done by various companies across multiple industries to help build out a target company list


Additional Job Sites and Resources Include: