Join us to explore how AI can help create an equitable and sustainable future
As AI and big data reshape every aspect of our lives from our healthcare to our finances, it’s imperative to design, develop, and use those technologies in ethical and socially sustainable ways that of serve the greater good.
The NYU Tandon School of Engineering invites you to attend an evening with thought leaders in the field, hosted in conjunction with the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, to explore ethical AI, data stewardship, and more.
Attendees will hear a panel discussion with Institute Associate Professor Julia Stoyanovich, the founder and director of the NYU Center for Responsible AI; McGovern’s Director of Products & Services Hazem Mahmoud; and NYU Vice Provost Charlton McIlwain, who oversees our NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology; as well as a fireside chat with McGovern Foundation President Vilas Dhar and Juan de Pablo, NYU’s Executive Vice President for Global Science and Technology and Tandon’s Executive Dean. The evening will culminate with a poster presentation and a chance to network.
Be a part of creating if you believe, as we do, in an AI ecosystem governed by accountability, transparency, and equity, and we hope you will join us.