The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools in Scientific Publishing with Wiley

Gaia Tomasello
Editor in Chief, Advanced Electronic Materials, WILEY
"The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools in Scientific Publishing with Wiley"
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools and AI-assisted technologies are becoming an increasingly integral part of our modern research landscape and consequently are already impacting the publishing industry as well. The current wave of GAI tools uses vast datasets in order to generate new content instead of using published data to write structured articles. The result is a paradigm shift in publishing and digital economy that will impact the publishers around the globe requiring them to adjust accordingly. It is therefore of paramount importance being aware of the limitations, risks, and potential implications when using them, gaining a deeper understanding of the kinds of data and models on which GAI tools are trained, the accuracy of the results, and the implications for intellectual property and law. In this seminar at the New York University, as a Wiley peer review editor, after a short introduction to our portfolio and the opportunities to publish with our prestigious journals, I will deliver an overview on which kinds of GAI tools can be used when preparing a scientific manuscript, always keeping in mind the scope of enhancing the impact of a scientific text rather than replacing the critical thinking, analysis, and creative thought that it needs absolutely to be preserved. It is an exciting time for the development of GAI tools in research and scientific publishing - and with caution and consideration, we can get the most out of the potential opportunities that they offer.
About Speaker
Gaia Tomasello received her Ph.D. in computational chemistry at the University of Bologna. She carried out postdoctoral research as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the department of Physics at Freie Universität (Berlin) in the field of excited state dynamics and then purchasing further her research activity at the Polytechnique Montréal studying the properties of conducting polymers for applications in nano- and bioelectronics. She joined Wiley in 2019 as peer review editor and working currently within the Department of Publishing Development as Editor in Chief of the journal Advanced Electronic Materials and Deputy Editor of the journal the Physica Status Solidi A.