
CANCELLED: IDM x Onassis Studio ONX Speaker Series Spring 2024 – Natasha Chuk

Lecture / Panel
Open to the Public

Photo of Natasha Chuck

This talk has been CANCELLED due to a family emergency. Please visit 2024 Integrated Design & Media Lecture Series for information on future lectures.

Natasha Chuk on Post-Photography + the Photographic Substrate

Natasha Chuk, PhD (she/her) is a New York City-based media theorist, writer, and educator whose work is situated at the intersection of art, philosophy, and creative technologies. She is the author of Vanishing Points: Articulations of Death, Fragmentation, and the Unexperienced Experience of Created Objects (Intellect, 2015), and she is currently working on Traces in the Image: The Photographic in Post-Photography (Intellect, 2025), which critically examines the trajectory and transformation of post-photography from its emergence in the 1990s through to today’s digital and transmedia art practices and creations. The research, interviews, and musings that contributed to this forthcoming book are the inspiration for this talk.

The 2024 Integrated Design & Media Lecture Series features talks and workshops from transdisciplinary artists and designers working in a range of media and technology. It is generously sponsored by the Onassis ONX.