
ECE SEMINAR: Rick Parimi, Alexis Networks, Inc.

Lecture / Panel
For NYU Community

Rick Parimi in grey suit and smiling for the camera


Rick Parimi
Alexis Networks, Inc.


"ECE SEMINAR: Rick Parimi, Alexis Networks, Inc."


Alexis Networks, Inc. was created in 2019, initially with an objective to provide One-Click Anomaly Detection software solutions (“apps”) in the commercial sector. Successful track record includes projects with Aegis Foundry (PoS software maker), FINRA, CareCentrix (now part of Walgreens), and Insmed. The nature of projects involved – cloud services, software services and anomaly detection software. Currently, Alexis Networks, Inc. is pursuing Federal Contracts (biding and via GSA). Alexis Networks, Inc. has advanced its software solution specifically tailored for Insider Risk Analytics as a SaaS offering – using our proprietary MLN2 technology and a variety of open-source technologies. In this session, you can also learn about the nature of challenges that the company had to overcome – both from a technology perspective and business perspective. The session will also cover how Generative AI has begun to disrupt the domain of machine learning models and qualitative data analysis. You will also get to hear about the innovation from AlexisPi LCL (software solutions for universities).

About Speaker

Rick Parimi, Founder and CEO of AlexisPi LLC, is a renowned figure in the healthcare IT and technology sectors. His impressive academic journey includes a Harvard School of Public Health Fellowship, an Executive MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business, an MS in Computer Science from the University at Albany, and a BE in Computer Science from Amravati University, India. With a track record that boasts seven software patents with IBM, Rick's expertise transcends academia and has been instrumental in shaping the industry.

Throughout his career, Rick has made significant contributions, serving as a Board Member at the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany, and leading AlexisPi LLC. His professional journey also includes roles at Alexis Networks, Inc, private equity firms, the Mount Sinai Health System, Cognizant, IBM, and GE R&D. With an enduring passion for technology, Rick's dedication to innovation and leadership continues to redefine the healthcare IT landscape and inspire future generations.